UCSB Netid Frequently Asked Questions
Netid activation is based on a student record created by the UCSB Registrar from your application and Statement of Intent to Register (SIR.) If you get a data error when trying to activate, please contact the student help desk and have them confirm your student record by perm number. An error message can also occur if the data does not match what the Registrar has on file for your last name, date of birth, or the last four digits of your social security number.
Please enter four zeros if you do not have a SSN.
Netid activation is based on a payroll record created by the UCSB department that hired you. If you get a data error when trying to activate, please contact the department and have them confirm the status of your payroll record by employee ID. An error message can also occur if the data does not match what the department has on file for your last name, date of birth, or the last four digits of your social security number.
Please enter four zeros if you do not have a SSN.
Netid activation is based on matching data supplied by a UCSB department. If you get a data error when trying to activate, please contact your department and have them verify your annex locator and date of birth.
Your netid account has not been updated by payroll yet due to a data conflict, such as a name or date of birth not matching. Contact the department that hired you to help update your account.
Request an affiliate account from your department. A subsequent affiliation will be added to your account that will keep your netid active even if you are no longer an employee.
Depending on the timing, a payroll record may not reactivate your UCSB netid in time to access Gauchospace. Contact your department and have them add you as an academic affiliate. This will reactivate your account by giving you an affiliation until your employee affiliation can be added by payroll.
After graduating, you will have an active netid that is only good for umail. Request an academic affiliate account from the UCSB department you are associated with. A subsequent affiliation will be added to your account that will enable access to campus services.
Password management must be done using the Identity Manager to ensure that all campus systems, whether internal or external, are updated. If your password becomes out of sync, simply return to the Identity Manager and reset your password.
You can log into the Identity Manager and update your account profile to reflect any changes in your information. Please make sure a default email address exists so you can receive official UCSB communications.
Contact the UCSB college or department for information on how to add you to campus identity as an academic affiliate.